MLBingo Is Baseball and Bingo!


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MLBingo is an exciting bingo game that interacts with plays and actions on the field during a live Major League Baseball game. Users have the option to play a sponsored game at their favorite establishment or play a local game with their friends. A user purchases a digital card (available for in-app purchases) that is populated with baseball plays that take place during a MLB game. As the game plays out, the user marks the digital card by touching the diamond with the name of the play that has occurred on the field. Plays that have been marked by the user and are confirmed through the play-by-play data feed will remain highlighted and locked in position throughout the game. Winners are declared when a pattern is completed. The game is not finished until all four patterns are complete or the live baseball game is over.Types of Play:Sponsored Play - Play MLBingo at a sponsored venue that is near your location.
Local Play - Play MLBingo with your friends by creating a game for your favorite team. A game code will be generated to share with your friends.
Types of Bingo Cards:Bingo Card - The user will automatically have their diamonds stamped as the play occurs during the game. Once the user has a pattern, Bingo will need to be pressed.